Happy Valley (II) (2014)
Demonize The Moral Man. Ignore NAMBLA and their progressive establishment enablers.
7 September 2015
Great job demonizing the greatest man in Happy Valley history. The man who drove hundreds of young men to greatness in their lives both in and out of football. And the man who inspired and led an entire, extended community.

All for his tangential part in a horrific, ongoing, ubiquitous evil that is one small corner of the larger, national NAMBLA abuse of young boys by gay men and the progressive establishment that not only enables them but promotes them.

Doubt me? Where is the condemnation of the judge who ripped a nine-year-old boy, Matt, from his biological family and presented him to the pedophile Sandusky? Despite the mother's plea not to, including the allegation that Sandusky played mind games with the boy and that he did inappropriate things to him? Why didn't that judge "do more"? Why didn't that judge investigate the mother's accusations? And why, despite the accusations, did the judge award this boy to this man? Why no inquiry, no documentary about the judge? Why no mention of the judge's culpability in this evil during this documentary? Why no inquiry into the role of NAMBLA and the progressives who promote it? No investigation into those who cowed a judge into ordering the Boy Scouts to put gay men into the pup tents of prepubescent boys? And when THOSE lawsuits ensue, will anyone investigate the role of that judge who precipitated the predation, or the progressives who remonstrated for it? Of course not. They'll blame the Boy Scouts for what was forced on them by the progressive establishment. They'll blame the institution that transformed millions of boys into responsible, moral young men for over a century. They'll not rest until they win that scalp for their belt. Mark my words.

Always the institution that was forced by the progressives to accede to the NAMBLA agenda. The Catholic Church to allow gay priests. The Boy Scouts to allow gay Scout leaders. Society--including Penn State--to give the benefit of the doubt to the gay man in their midst. Can you imagine if Joe Paterno had come running, yelling "Pedophile! Pedophile!" when first given the ambiguous accusation that "something" "might have happened" in the shower between Sandusky and a young boy? Paterno would have been brought down by the same progressives in the media and culture who claim he didn't "do enough" (especially ESPN and the NCAA and the others in the progressive establishment), as a homophobic bigot without any proof. A Neanderthal who hates gays. Better to keep it "in house" and let the administration vet the charges.

But the progressives want The Moral Man's scalp. And they don't rest until they get it. And in doing so, ignore the real culprits.
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