Turbo Kid (2015)
7 September 2015
Incoherent. No clear goal of the hero. You can't have a hero without a quest. Save the girl? Revenge? Water? WTF? Nobody sympathetic to identify with and hop along for the ride. It's as if there might have been a coherent story in there somewhere before some schizophrenic film editor got splice happy with flash backs and non sequitur scenes.

The dialogue is next to useless. Everyone says exactly what they are supposed to, e.g; 'Don't die on me.'

One third into the movie you are BEGGING one of the villains to come through the screen and put you out of your misery.

I am stunned this one any type of award. An homage to '80's movies is an absolute bullshit fraud characterization.

Terrible writing. Bad directing. Insane editing. Passable acting.
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