"Naughty, you might like to know, is natural for little kids."
8 September 2015
School's out and, for some reason, adult Bugs is ecstatic about this. By the time he realizes how stupid that is, he runs into a tree and knocks himself unconscious. While out cold, Bugs dreams he's a kid again and fighting with a young Elmer Fudd. So it's basically Looney Babies. Originally part of the TV special Bugs Bunny's Bustin' Out All Over, this later effort by Chuck Jones suffers from many of the same problems that plague most of the Looney Tunes shorts made after the classic era. Namely that the jokes aren't very funny and the animation, music, and overall production is cheaper in quality. Most of the gags in this new cartoon are just reworked routines from famous Bugs & Elmer shorts, with the twist being they're kids this time. The freshest and funniest bit is where kid Bugs threatens to tell the authorities that kid Elmer offered him wine. This joke and its reaction from Elmer is the closest this cartoon gets to the kind of edge the old shorts often had. For the most part this is just an exercise in nostalgia and a pretty corny one at that. It's watchable for fans but nothing worth bragging about.
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