Best Metal Gear yet! (no spoilers)
3 September 2015
Once you are dropped into the game, you are treated to beautiful cinematics and mystery. Even if you have played all of the games in the series, there is a lot of mystery and confusion. The game does a great job at revealing its story, and filling the past games' plot holes and "now I know now" moments.

The game-play of The Phantom Pain is more fluent and dense than any other in the series. From the facial animations to the crouch movement, You can clearly see the amazing effort Kojima Productions and Konami had put into this game. All of the good details, graphics, and animations all look perfect in the game's cut-scenes.

In The Phantom Pain, there is no longer the "stealth or guns- blazing" decision making. It is Unexplainable of how many ways you can infiltrate, kill, travel, or anything else (So many choices!). It has the most choices of game-play of any game EVER! Even so that I just can't explain it!

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is easily the BEST stealth oriented game to date, and the most game-play choices of any game in existence! Everybody should buy this game when the chance is given!
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