Treasuring a report.
9 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
With a poll being held on IMDbs Classic Film board for the best titles of 1928,I took a look at a post that a fellow IMDber had made of films from 1928 online,and I spotted a link to a movie featuring the first recording of a long-performed Comedy routine,which led to me getting ready to read the treasurer's report.

The plot:

After the members of a club finish their meal and watch the entertainment,everyone sits down to hear the financial results.With the main treasurer being ill,a junior treasurer has to take his place.As he starts to read the report,the treasurer finds that he does not know anything about what the report is about.

View on the film:

Performing the routine since 1922, Robert Benchley gives a very good performance as the unlucky treasurer,with Benchley balancing the nervousness of the speaker with a clear confidence in his word-play routine.Whilst the audio is surprisingly clear for an early sound movie,director Thomas Chalmers sadly fails to lay out the full setting,with Chalmers sole focus on Benchley leading to the film missing out on reaction shots of the "club" audience,which would have helped to emphasis some of the comedic points in a rather dry report.
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