Review of Buck

Buck (2011)
The Equine Reflection of Man
10 September 2015
Buck Brannaman's way of fixing troubled horses will make you evaluate your perspective of yourself. By working at horse clinics all over the country, Buck teaches people how interactions with horses goes way beyond horse and horseman but the energy transmitted between the two. Years of abuse throughout his childhood taught Buck that empathy is key when it comes to any being, not just human and he sends the message out to you that (just like a child) why break a horse when you can fix it? The movie connects the similarities between horses and people and teaches you how a horse will mirror the energy you transmit to it. I really liked this movie because even though I am an animal lover you don't have to be one to love it; the movie starts to become more about yourself than the horses. As you get more into the movie you start to see how just like a horse mirrors who you are, you also see yourself in the horse (maybe Buck sees himself in scared horses when he was abused as a child). What I liked most about this movie is that you can either take the literal plot of how Buck fixes horses or learn a deeper lesson of the importance of family, empathy, and how you treat animals.
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