East Side/West Side: The Givers (1964)
Season 1, Episode 25
I already gave at the office
12 September 2015
***SPOILERS***Doing double duty as a political consultant social worker Neil Brock, George C. Scott,is shocked to find out that his boss straight shooting and man of the people Congressman Charles "Chuck" Hanson, Linden Chiles, was behind the notorious HR-18436 bill in giving big money political contributers and edge in getting non-bid city plumb contracts.

It's when one of Brock's clients small businessman Arthur Keller,Dan Frazer, was driven into bankruptcy by being kept from bidding Brock went to see the person who destroyed him financially big shot city king-maker John Manulis, John Dehner, and threatened to expose his underhanded tactic to the newspapers. Trying to shyster talk his way out of being exposed Manlis tells Brock to have Keller call him so he can do business with him and give him a piece of the action which Brock knows in nothing but a line of BS on Manulis' part.

Falling for his double-talk Keller tries to get in touch, against Brock's advice, with Manulis to make a deal only to have him told to take a walk and have the phone slammed in his face. Facing ruin and without any means to make a living a distraught Keller kills himself leaving his wife and children on their own and out in the cold. Brock does get a bit of revenge against Manulis by having his top flunky Fred Trainor, Lee Philips, get exposed of taking bribes for his boss with out, sure sure, his knowledge. Thrown to the wolves and left hanging Trainor gets his just reward by being exposed as a bag-man for Manulis but even worse in the person he took the rap for-Manulis-not coming to his aid and letting him hang for it.

It was Brock's friend Congressman Charles "Chuck" Hanson who really turned him off on the dirty dealings going on in the city and in the end quit his job working for him. It was bad enough dealing with the suffering of people like Keller and in most cases not being able to do anything about it but with his boss "Chuck" double dealing antics now in full view that was the last straw for him. Neil Brock would last just one more episode in the series "East Side West Side" and then call it quits knowing that no matter how hard he works to help the poor and needy in the city he'll always end up behind the 8 ball.
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