I thought it was good plain fun
13 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
In the past years a smattering of films was released that were set in Lapland. Swedish titles like Frostbiten and Babas Bilar (both from 2006) come to mind as well as in Finland Rare Exports and Lapland Odyssey (both from 2010).

All these films are characterised by what may be described as a typically northern, undercooled type of humor. And, typically, they are all set during the dark, snowy Arctic winter.

Lapland Odyssey (Napapiirin sankarit) is more than the others a straightforward comedy. The protagonist is your typical slacker. In an American road movie, he'd be a pothead, but in Lapland alcohol is still the drug of choice. This loser is set the task to, for one time in his life, not disappoint his girlfriend. His fluctuating luck sees him among other things nearly drowned by an all-female underwater rugby team and nearly shot by Russians and after all his tribulations he is left empty-handed standing in front of the house, ready to acknowledge defeat when a deus ex machina arrives...

I thought it was actually worth watching.
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