If you're looking to sit on the edge of your seat for two hours, welcome!
14 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I think people need to understand that film is a lot like music, you can't listen to a new Justin Bieber song and complain because it's not a Mozart masterpiece. And you definitely can't watch Jurassic World expecting a mind-boggling, emotional Inception type film. I would put Jurassic World in the same category as most Michael Bay films, the story line won't make you think, the characters won't go through any psychological changes but you will be thoroughly entertained by the special effects. I think it's fairly obvious throughout the original trilogy and this film that we are the visitors to the attractions, Steven Spielberg gave the parallel Earth a new unimaginable attraction, one which surprised the audience so much, it's rated as one of the best films ever. Period. Fast forward twenty two years past the films of Interstellar, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, we as a human race have seen a lot of original, unique things, a plain old dinosaur film will not bring us the same thrills as it did in 1993. Therefore we are once again, the visitors to the attraction. We will never feel the same buzz as first seeing that T-Rex crashing the gates over, or the same chill down the neck when first hearing that Raptor shriek. However, we can still be entertained. Which is what happens throughout the film. The characters are fairly bland, there are only a couple likable ones, but they all seem to grow on you near the end, the bloodbath that is left by the new Dino is quite emotional and gives you a side to pick fairly easily, the surprises throughout the film keep it exciting and the special effects, well we are in 2015 and they did have a lot of money to spend so lets just say they are incredible as expected. If you're looking to be on the edge of your seat for two hours and trust the film to not bore you, then you have nothing to worry about, the line graph representing excitement just climbs up and up, if you're expecting another Shawshank Redemption, well please don't slate the film when it doesn't satisfy your needs. I think that films should have two ratings, one for overall, and another for it's main sub-category, for example as an overall film I'd give it a 7.5-8, it's sub-category of excitement I'd give a solid 10, a comparison to the first Transformers which I'd give an 8 for excitement and a 5 overall. Therefore I really do recommend this film for anyone who like me, enjoys special effects, good excitement and two hours to just sit on the edge of my seat and thoroughly enjoy my time. I can only say I can't wait for the second one and I'm sure you will too after you watch it.
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