Pay the Ghost (2015)
How many Clichés can you put into one movie??
20 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Lots, apparently, more bizarrely though, is how the unaware the movie seems to be about it, everything is here, witches - check, scary monster thing in black clock - check, scary possession of a main character - check, climatic scene where dad says to his child 'I got you' - check, 'there's something outside the window' jump scene - check, bring in a clairvoyant to sense out the house - check, Halloween - check, scary masks on children - check, ask random people about ghost legends who then describe the storyline of the movie as if reading from text - check... (legend has it that the portal shuts at 12pm... 'oh my, that's in two hours time!!)

it's almost embarrassing how many they try to squeeze in, completely randomly and unnecessary, It just ends up being weird, and the last scene? just thrown in for one last jump that's nothing to do with anything.

One scene that sums up this movie, is when cagey sees son on the bus, as a viewer that's watched ANY movie before, you know it's not his son on the bus, and you know your going to have to watch him run after the bus, for a couple of minutes, dodging traffic blah blah blah and finally getting on the bus and seeing the boys not there while everyone on the bus looks at him oddly... (why were there two empty seats on a bus that had like 30 ppl crammed and standing?) And the whole movie plays to these types of rules.

Stupid film, cliché ridden, random jump scenes, no plot, utter rubbish, nic cage doing what he does best and looking confused for the whole movie, but... i do like that kind of stuff, so for me wasn't a complete waste of time.
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