People Keep Dying!
24 September 2015
After a strong beginning, it was nice to see just as satisfying conclusion. In this second installment, Sgt. Reid is found in a public toilet, badly injured and in a coma. It is suspected that a group of persons selling illegal cigarettes and running an extortion ring is responsible. Meanwhile, Frost has two things on his mind. The first is that a young woman (played by Joane Froggatt, later on "Downton Abbey) has appeared, believing Frost to be her father from some previous dalliance. The second is the continuing effort to find out who killed a skilled female heart surgeon. Of course, his looking after Reid keeps him in or around the hospital. Reid is a decorated war hero and Frost is appalled by another gung-ho bureaucrat who assumes he was in the public bathroom doing drugs, when there is no evidence at all. She is willing to throw him under the bus to save face for the department. Of course, those who harmed Reid are also in his sites as well as the extortionists. There is also an issue of five people who have died, post op, after being in the same bed in intensive care. Fine episode, completed nicely.
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