It is what it is
27 September 2015
And what it is is not very good. SEANCE: THE SUMMONING is an entirely cheap seance/possession flick in which a quartet of rather unlikeable characters break into an old morgue to hold a seance for some stupid reason or other. Before long one of their number becomes possessed by the spirit of an ancient demon and death, murder, and madness ensue.

This is a cheap little B-movie with very little to recommend it to the horror fan apart from some cheap gore effects here and there and lots of desperate attempts to be scary. Despite the intensity of pitch, none of this is remotely frightening and indeed it all seems rather familiar and lacklustre, with the usual script lines that sound like they're ripped off from THE EXORCIST and the like. The acting is bog standard, frequently verging into ham territory, and the running time drags out despite the relative shortness of the production. Next, please...
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