Review of Trinity

Trinity (2009)
A laudable effort
30 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Dear Charles,

Once again I watched something simply because you were in it, and I'm compelled to say, day-um, you're *good.* Of course, my love for you makes me a less-than-objective reviewer. But even adjusted for infatuation, your score is stratospheric. Damn curve- raiser, your castmates grumble. With good reason.

It's rotten bad luck the series wasn't renewed. But it's not your fault. It's the writers, bless their hearts.

I think what they meant to do was to create a quirky dramedy in the fashion of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." Unfortunately, they made several key errors:

1. While the mystery was certainly compelling enough to keep viewers tuning in, it was strung out too long. If the writers had moved some of the revelations into earlier episodes, viewer appetites would have been whetted for more. Instead, they became frustrated and gave up.

2. The unlikeable characters--Dorian, Maltravers--were at first too unpleasant for a viewer to endure very long. Yes, these characters were eventually revealed to have redeeming features, but too late and too little.

3. Lacking better information about the role it played in the project, the injunction to "protect the Dandelion Club" became annoyingly nonsensical.

4. It wasn't clear how seriously the viewer was meant to take certain aspects of the plot. Yes, viewers yearn for television which does not pander to the lowest common intellect. But there's a big difference between being clever and being impenetrably obscure. Again, more information provided earlier in the series would have been helpful.

Darling Charles, my love for you is true. I'll always cherish the moments Maltravers was on screen because of your delicious performance. The urgency of your search of the "statue" for the hourglass, the gusto with which you swung that golf club--moments I will treasure forever.

I sympathize with your anger. It *was* incredibly insulting to postpone your program in favor of Paris Hilton. But it was also a sound business decision, as was the decision to give up on "Trinity."

However, there's a golden lion-ing to even the darkest of clouds: had ITV2 ordered more "Trinity" your schedule might not have permitted you to play Tywin Lannister in "Game of Thrones." And had you not played Tywin, I might not have ever come to love you. So. In the end, you're better off this way. Or in the words of a bumper sticker I saw recently "manure happens."

Love always,

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