Sons of Anarchy: Stolen Huffy (2012)
Season 5, Episode 4
Stolen Huffy (#5.4)
30 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The episode had some action because of the cops being called to Nero's business. Mainly because Jax and Chibs had to go save the girl who was accused of making the call. so they had a bike chasing scene which was very well done.

And it went on further when Gemma tried to have Tara beat up Carla. I must say I actually really wanted Carla to smash Tara's face. She is really annoying me. Especially in regards of Wendy. I don't really get why any of them are so against Wendy. She has a much more decent way of life than any of them. Would actually be great if she would sue for custody and take Abel away.

And they also had to say good bye to Opie. A pretty emotional scene when they all see him for the last time.
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