Los inocentes (2013)
A decent effort at a Spanish slasher movie
2 October 2015
The Spanish have made several American-style slasher movies over the years, most notably the latter-day Paul Naschy film "School Killer" and Jess Franco's "Bloody Moon". This is actually a better-than-average effort that is superior to "School Killer" or "Bloody Moon" (although that perhaps is not an unqualified recommendation). It starts with a typical prank-gone-wrong where a horny young camper is locked in the boiler room of the, uh, girls' shower and is scalded to death in perhaps the only scene in cinema history where a hot girls' shower scene proves fatal. Some period of time later a group of Spanish youths get lost returning to Barcelona from a ski trip and illogically decide to stay in the now abandoned camp/hostel and party, er, I mean fiesta. Though Spaniards, the youths are all the standard-issue slasher-movie types: the awkward geek, the pretty girl, the slut,the slick womanizer, the horny couple, and of course, the annoying practical joker.

When the murders come, they are quite creative, somewhat comical, and definitely off-the-wall. Most memorable are a naked girl "masturbating" her own head wound and a big-breasted topless girl succumbing to a fatal dose of laughing gas. As you might guess, there is a fair amount of female nudity in this and even the pretty virginal girl (Charlotte Vega)spends the last half of the movie running around in her underwear. What I liked though is the nudity is provided by the pretty actresses who are actually otherwise IN the movie rather than the modern-day American trend of flying in a silicone-enhanced porn star just to handle requisite nude scenes even though she is not otherwise even a character in the movie. Interestingly, one of the actresses here is Diana Gomez who earlier had had the starring role in the erotic teen lesbian film "Eloise's Lover".

On the negative side, there is a totally unnecessary "found-footage" scene a la "Rec". There also really isn't anything particularly ORIGINAL about this except perhaps the ending in that it borrows more from "Night of the Living Dead" than from any previous slasher movie. It is also barely 70 minutes long, but I wouldn't have wanted it to be any longer. A decent effort overall though.
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