The Big Valley: Earthquake (1965)
Season 1, Episode 9
Stanwyck is fabulous in this episode
4 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Episodes of 'The Big Valley' usually combine strong storytelling and sharp performances. And this one is a perfect example. It's the first story of the series that focuses specifically on Victoria, so Barbara Stanwyck has plenty to do. She plays most of her scenes underground with guest star Charles Bronson.

As the action gets underway, Victoria arrives at the local church on business. She enters the old mission structure moments before a huge temblor strikes. It is nearly leveled to the ground, and there are continuous aftershocks. We see that Victoria has become trapped underneath with two very different people. The first one is a poor native woman about to give birth; and the second one is Bronson. Victoria tries to appeal to his sense of decency in helping them get out alive, but he's carrying a grudge. Soon the baby comes, so in the midst of all the uncertainty and debris, Victoria must play midwife to help deliver the young woman's child.

There's a superb scene where Victoria takes a bottle out of Bronson's hand and smashes it against a wall. She uses the cut glass like a weapon to ensure his cooperation. She's tough and means it. Bronson quickly understands that Victoria Barkley is not a lady you mess with or double cross. Especially when a new life is about to enter the world, in the most difficult of circumstances.
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