The Martian (2015)
Is this just another argument for having humans in space?
4 October 2015
Yes of course it is. Frankly I do support that goal. So who is it that fights against that? The bureaucrats of course. This was filled with evil bureaucrats making obviously wrong headed decisions just so the "space cowboys" could defy them.

This movie is filled with hackneyed and cliché characters, and anyone who was not blind could see the ending long ahead of time. No, I did not even read the book.

By any standard the cinematography was good, and the Martian set pieces looked too, not especially great mind you but at least good enough. Watching this film in 3D did absolutely nothing for me at all, I recommend saving the extra $3 and seeing it without the special glasses.

My suggestion is to wait until this reaches the discount theaters and see it there.
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