Nauseating and Preaching
5 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The biggest problem with this movie is that large parts are dedicated to a theme that has been done to death by the Left Wing Progressives of Hollywood. The absurd premise of this entire picture is that if you kill someone, no matter the justification, you yourself become the bad guy; it's cliché, it's worn out, and it's just not true. To someone who accepts this pseudo-philosophical garbage, the Dark Knight might have some sort of meaning, but to the rest of us, it's just a rather silly message that turns Batman into a gibbering do-gooder with both hands tied behind his back. I'd put my faith in David Cameron before the weak-ass Batman portrayed in this movie - and that's saying something.

In the real world, a mass murdering psychopath would be hunted down and shot without any remorse whatsoever. No-one would care. There is no grey area here. IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME IN REAL LIFE. IT IS LAWFULLY ACCEPTABLE, especially when the said murderer is in the MIDDLE OF A RAMPAGE. Instead, in Nolan's fantasy world, killing a despicable killer (even to save others) is a no-no. Batman would much rather keep his 'morality' intact by sparing the killer time and time again - even at the risk of his own life. There are numerous examples of Leftist propaganda in this film, and silly scenes that serve only to give the liberals a warm heart, like the serious criminal who decides to throw away the detonator in order to save innocent lives. GIVE ME A BREAK. I'm not buying that cliché drivel. It's time for Hollywood to enter the real world. This film is an apologist for criminality.

How on earth has this garbage managed to fool so many people?

Given that the main theme of the film is utterly flawed, you won't be surprised to learn that almost all of it is. Like all of the films in the Nolan trilogy, there are WAY too many inconsistencies, plot holes, and totally unbelievable situations. Batman Returns is largely more realistic than this film is, and it wasn't even trying to be realistic. THAT should give you a good idea of how bad this is. At least the fast-cut editing has been toned down a little from Batman Begins.

The biggest mistake this trilogy made was to meld the comic book craziness with real life logic in the hope of making a gritty, realistic Batman. News Flash: The comic Batman is totally and utterly unrealistic. You either create a decent comic film, or you take only elements that can generally work in the real world. This trilogy tried to create some kind of hybrid and, because of that, it falls flat on its face. But even the parts that should be believable regardless are done badly - like the police force. In order to make the joker a super-villain, Nolan made everyone else a super-moron. LAZY WRITING.

There's not enough space to expand on every point I've made, and the film throws another curve ball at you before the end: The main law maker himself has a 100% reversal into a super-villain, because the Joker killed his wife hahaha. As you can no doubt tell, the script is completely bonkers. If you are going for realism, then don't insult my intelligence with this crap, Nolan.

Imho, the Dark Knight is the strongest of the three films, but it's still a giant mess. My rating: 5/10.
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