Still watching.....
8 October 2015
I really looked forward to this show after seeing the endless commercials and trailers. It has definitely gotten better as the episodes have progressed but I think it is still just average at this point. I am hoping to be fully on board as the season goes on. I think I have been spoiled by shows like The Tudors and Game of Thrones where there is plenty of sex and violence but it usually doesn't feel gratuitous. I think they were going for shock value with a same sex scene early on. They were definitely trying to shock us with the torture scene last week. Oddly the early scene where the poor soul was being skinned felt more real to me than forced. Some of this is unavoidable because it would have been a violent and quite filthy time to live. I'm willing to give it time for the characters to gel and come into their roles a little more fully. The premise is sound if confusing at times. I had to watch one episode twice in a row to make sure I had all the names and all the drama straight. I do think this could be a winner if the pieces keep coming together.
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