Autumn Dreams (2015 TV Movie)
Extremely unrealistic plot, and unlikely scenarios throughout
9 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
MAJOR SPOILERS! I don't understand how this movie is rated so highly, it was completely ridiculous and insults the intelligence of the audience.

This takes place in a farming community in Iowa. An 18yr old girl and 19yr old guy elope and have bus tickets to NYC, but her father shows up right at the end of the ceremony and talks his daughter into leaving her new husband and going back home with him, and says he plans on getting their marriage annulled. The husband still leaves for New York by himself.

Next scene is 15yrs later, both are marrying other people but find out the paperwork her father had filed for an annulment was never processed so they need to get divorced to be able to go through with their upcoming weddings. Meanwhile we find out that she thought he abandoned her and never contacted her, but he claims he tried to call and write but got no response, which she thinks her father had something to do with. This really makes no sense because she tells him that after he left, her father had a heart attack and "was never the same" so she just couldn't leave the farm, which indicates that she must have had some contact with him at some point in the beginning to plan to meet him in New York! Why didn't she write to him to tell him why she didn't leave to join him?

So, after this huge and extremely unlikely misunderstanding, her father manages to not only confiscate his letters to her but also somehow prevents her from getting his phone calls? No, that would be nearly impossible in this electronic age. She was a college student for goodness sakes, did she not have a computer?

No contact for fifteen years, no email or text messages, he doesn't ever visit home or have any contact with anyone there to find out how things are, doesn't find out about her father. Then we find out that she knows absolutely nothing about him either, even though he has become this hot shot rich NYC executive which any internet search would have revealed. On top of all of this nonsense, we've got two innocent, oblivious fiancées who are both lied to while these two reconnect.

I could go on and on with similar examples but won't take up any more of your time. They could have easily edited some sense into this movie but I guess they believe their target audience is dense and naive enough to not require anything to be a little bit believable!
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