Review of The Good Man

Fear the Walking Dead: The Good Man (2015)
Season 1, Episode 6
Who are we supposed to be rooting for? Besides...
12 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
...Victor, Chris and Alicia.


First, let me start by saying, you aren't a hater if you have a valid opinion and aren't trolling.

Second, I can't add much more to the stupid logic of releasing 1000s of zombies to rescue a couple of people except that, you make it more difficult to rescue said family members as well as get one killed. Sorry, Liza.

Oh, and Chris, your mom was killed because your dad, your step-mom and this idiot barber decided to release the zombies to help rescue her. Well done.

Too bad Nick didn't die.

Third, let's also take the logic that you have the military and an arena full of zombies two blocks away and you use padlocks, chains and boards of wood to contain them. Where there no torches, steal beams and concrete available. Yet another convenience for plot stupidity. So, yeah, the military deserves blame too.

On the subject of military stupidity and plot contrivance, Max Brooks did say, in order most to survive, you have to sacrifice some. But, I don't think that "some" included people you already saved. So, leaving the people in the fenced in neighborhood and those you had in on your base count... unless your "heroes" release a giant horde of zombies, the you are all SOL.

Fourth, Travis, Madison and Daniel aren't heroes. Madison, Daniel and Daniel's daughter are all culpable for the torture of that soldier.

The reason Breaking Bad, Battlestar Galactica and The Walking Dead work is that in the former YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO LIKE WALTER WHITE, and the latter two, while people may do bad things, you have voices of reason speaking out against it and the weak shoe horned pleas from Daniel's daughter and Travis' being PO'ed don't count. There is no moral conundrum. These people acted horribly - in both torture and mass murder via arena zombies - and the writers expect us to like these people. To feel empathy when Travis has to kill Liza. Hey, idiot, her death is your fault.

Fifth, why did Liza die? There was no reason for it. And for no one to notice that she's been bit? Was there no blood or did the enamel friction from the bite immediately cauterize the wound? Another contrivance for no reason what so ever.

Yeah, I thought Bob's bite in the Walking Dead was a bit contrived too, but that was handled better. Bob started off as a bad character, but redeemed himself. There is nothing Travis, Madison and Daniel can do to make me like them. They killed most of the army base, Dr Exner had to kill her patients and herself, and they made a bad apocalypse worse.

Lastly, Nick was annoying to begin with, stealing his neighbor's morphine was a low blow. He's a selfish a-hole, whose withdrawal immediately disappeared when it wasn't convenient to the plot. He's a bad character, a bad person and waxing philosophical to Madison at the end, doesn't even come close to explaining or justifying his existence or behavior.

I won't hate on this show anymore, I gave it every chance, and I won't be coming back... Unless they kill everyone but Victor. He's the ONLY interesting character in the show.

OR, put him in The Walking Dead. Have him walk up to the Alexandria walls in his suit. I'd love to see him with a group of deeply flawed but interesting characters who deserve his presence.

Liza - the only other interesting character in that group is dead, and Chris and Alicia are pretty much plug-and-play characters, but they are fairly inoffensive, so they can stay.

Thankfully, The Walking Dead returned and totally hit the ground running.
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