About as French as Sukiyaki!
13 October 2015
This episode of "Kraft Suspense Theatre" begins with a lot of stock color footage of B-17 bombers in action during WWII. One of the planes is shot down and soon one of the crew members is in a POW camp. He's almost immediately chosen to escape and carry important secrets back to England to the Allies, as he speaks impeccable French. Most of the show consists of Lieutenant Hollister (Peter Brown) making his way through Nazi-controlled territory to deliver his information to his superiors. During this time, he's being aided by a man who calls himself Beret.

There is a HUGE problem with this show. Never did this Lieutenant EVER sound the least bit French. Additionally, his 'French' contact (Telly Savalas) also didn't sound French at all. Why didn't they hire folks who could at least SOUND French?! As for the lady, they picked a Swedish woman to play a French woman (though she DID sound much more French than the other two leads)! What were they thinking?! This really detracted from the believability of "The Action of the Tiger" and seemed pretty sloppy.

So how is the program despite poor casting and a complete lack of 'Frenchness' of the show? I'd say it was fair to average. It did have some interesting suspense elements but was not a standout show otherwise. As a result, I'd give this one a 4.
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