Review of Revanche

Revanche (2008)
love the first half
16 October 2015
Alex is an ex-con muscle in a brothel. He's in love with Ukrainian prostitute Tamara. She still owes money while he needs money to buy into a bar in Ibiza. They go to rob a bank and make a getaway. Police officer Robert finds Tamara waiting in the getaway car. Alex returns after the bank job and Robert shots at the fleeing couple. Tamara is killed, Robert is guilt-ridden and Alex hides out at his grandfather Hausner's farm. Alex discovers Robert is living nearby and has an affair with his wife Susanne.

I really love the direction of the first part of the movie. When Tamara gets killed, the movie loses a bit of steam for me. I don't find Robert's guilt that compelling and therefore his marriage not that compelling either. It also doesn't help that they aren't in the movie until much later. Robert's police relationship seems wrong. I think they're investigating him for manslaughter and anybody in his position would be treated by a psychiatrist. Although I understand the attempt for a Greek tragedy, I don't really buy it. The first half is terrific and the second half has a few problems.
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