Look for Oscars
17 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I feel sandbagged after watching this movie I went and looked up the main character since it was based upon a true story. We first meet Jim Dononvan working an insurance case, but I would have to ask why in the world is this man arguing an insurance case? Certainly I would also question why this man was chosen for the main action of the plot. There is where an opening up of his background would explain it all simply but we don't get it except a single throw away line.

Donovan worked on the Nuremberg trials as a prosecutor, he also was general counsel to the OSS, the predecessor to the CIA. He had extensive experience with handling secrets and dealing with spies and likely knew more than a smattering of German. Not the plain Jane insurance lawyer the movie offers for him. Choosing him for the action in this plot now seems perfectly natural.

However not knowing all of that information means we see the action in quite a different light. So which individual do we cheer for? The plain Jane insurance lawyer or the high powered spy master and Nuremberg prosecutor? Should I blame myself for not knowing ahead of time? Anyone who reads this prior to watching the movie will not see the same movie I saw since I didn't have this information ahead of time. Given the people associated with this movie how can it possibly not be nominated for multiple Oscars. It is a good quality movie though and in this year of so-so movies it could easily make the grade for an Oscar.
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