Creepozoids (1987)
Those of us who watch a movie with this title get what we deserve.
17 October 2015
It's the not so distant "future" (1998, to be exact) and Earth has been decimated by nuclear wars. What's left is a barren wasteland, not that we ever get to see it. A small team of Army deserters (three men, two women) come across a scientific installation where your standard issue strange experiments have been going on. In this case, they revolved around creating those amino acids that the human body can't create on its own. The result is a monster that makes mincemeat of these dumb chumps in record time.

One can't help but laugh at micro budget drek such as "Creepozoids", which is good, because otherwise, we wouldn't really get much entertainment value out of it. Everything about it is primitive, including the makeup and creature effects. Co-writer / co-producer / director David DeCoteau pays as much tribute to "Alien" as he can, but the gaps between the two films are hilariously obvious at every turn. There's zero suspense, very little action, a redundant finale, the requisite sex and nudity (it *does* star Linnea Quigley, after all), a delicious and catchy cheese ball electronic score by Guy Moon, and amusing performances.

Linnea is lovely and appealing, as she always is. Ken Abraham ("Hobgoblins"), Michael Aranda, Richard L. Hawkins ("Close Encounters of the Third Kind"), and extremely prolific adult film actress Ashlyn Gere co-star.

The ending is particularly bad, but it adds to the appeal of this hunk of junk.

Five out of 10.
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