Flight Nurse (1953)
She Was Truly an Angel
19 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The story is based on the service of CPT Lillian Kinkella Keil, USAF, who flew casualty evacuation flights during WWII and Korea. Back in those days servicewomen were not allowed to remain on active duty if they became pregnant and had a child, even if married. So she was discharged from the USAF. She went on to work for Pam Am Airlines although I'm not sure if it was before or after the Korean War.

She became a fixture at the local VFW and American Legion events many times sharing beers with the same men she cared for as a nurse. When she died in 2005, her son called my dad to arrange for a military ceremony at her funeral. The USAF had told the family they do not provide this service anymore to servicemen unless they are retired or on active duty. So it is up to former servicemen like my dad to arrange for and provide the honor guards and firing squads at such funerals.

So my dad called the state director of the VFW for California and advised him of the significance of CPT Keil's service and the USAF's refusal to participate. He was told to standby for a phone call. Several hours later, the USAF called my dad and told him to stand down, that they would handle everything from here on. CPT Keil had a full honor guard, firing squad and bugler to sound taps for her ceremony.

She was truly an angel.
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