Bland Western
26 October 2015
Death Rides the Range (1939)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

Ken Baxter (Ken Maynard) and his pals are out camping when they notice a body fall. They take it to a local doctor who refuses to deal with the man until the dying man tries to give the location of something. Ken wants to find out who killed the man and it turns out there's a piece of property with helium on it as well as some foreign agents.

DEATH RIDES THE RANGE is a pretty poor "C" Western from the days where you probably had two or three of these types of films being released weekly. This one here has all of the Western settings but they also mix in elements of a crime picture, a melodrama and an adventure. There's quite a bit going on in the 55 minute running time but sadly none of it is all that entertaining.

I think the film tries to do way too much and in the end it doesn't get much of anything done. Characters come and go without too much reasons why. We get all sorts of action scenes that are rather good, although you'll notice that the same hill is used several times for people to fall down it. The performances are bland at best, although Maynard is slightly entertaining in his role.
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