Bleu tonnerre (2015)
strange but very likable musical short.
26 October 2015
"Blue Thunder" (Bleu Tonnerre) is a French-Canadian musical that is very deceptive. Instead of pretty young folks like you find in Auld Lang Syne, the film is full of ordinary or even less than ordinary folks approaching middle age. It's the story about a mid-life crisis, and Bruno is having a doozy of a crisis! His partner just miscarried and he's depressed about himself and his life. He's also depressed about his career and you see him just muddling through at his job at the lumber mill. Eventually, he even gets himself fired. But that's okay, as Bruno can now follow his become a professional wrestler! Who cares that he last did this when he was very young and is now rapidly approaching 40?!

While the plot sounds a bit unconventional, it's the singing that is the real surprise. Often the singing is rather terrible and the words are far from the usual polish you'd expect in a musical. However, because of this, not in spite of, it works so very well. Danny Placard (Bruno) is far from a matinée idol and he's an easy guy to like despite his problems. Additionally, everything comes together well for the characters and it's a very satisfying combination of a comedy, a musical and even a romance. Philippe David Gagné and Jean Marc E. Roy did a great job directing and writing this quirky and very likable little film. This movie would make a great date film.
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