Scarewaves (2014)
Sooooo BAD!
28 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I guess the people behind this movie are trying desperately to get it a good review or two, even if it means they have to write them on their own. Sad.

You can always tell in the very first scenes of a film if it is a bad one by the quality of the sets and the first lines and delivery of those words by the actors. Based on these things alone, I didn't want to watch any more then the first two minutes!

All of the scenes seem to have been shot in someone's Mom's basement.The poor lighting, no actual set design, and props just filmed as things were when they got there, show not only the lack of budget but also suggest the people working on the movie knew it was going to be a clunker before filming even started!

Not a single actor has any talent.Verbally, most use a monotone to speak their lines, and gestures are not suitable to the scene that is being filmed, always the sign of a bad actor. I did check the resumes of some of these people and was surprised to learn that at least one of them has had many roles in several films. Obviously that person is hired by his Mom and Dad, or as a joke.

And finally, the dialogue is so poor that it is astounding. Case in point? The officer who comes upon a burglar, standing still with his hands up, STILL yells "Freeze", "Don't move", "Get on the ground" and then "I SAID FREEZE" again even though the felon hasn't even moved yet.

The Burglar looks just as confused and embarrassed to be acting in this piece of junk as I am for having watched it...

Go watch paint dry, it's far more entertaining.
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