Arne Dahl: Requiem
1 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
As this episode opens Kerstin, Group A's leader, enters a bank; moments later two men arrive in a taxi, shoot the driver then hold up the bank; killing a woman in the process. While they control the people in the bank a third member of the team accesses the bank's computers and transfers a large sum of money to a Swiss account. As the police storm the building the robbers manage to escape. It soon becomes apparent that this was no ordinary robbery; why did the robbers hang around for so long and why are the CIA taking an interest? It turns out that as well as the money the thieves took something that had been hidden in a pipe in the wall for the last thirty years… hidden at a time that the building was an East German travel agency. What was hidden isn't immediately apparent but one of the thieves says that it is only half of what they were looking for. It turns out that one of the robbers escaped by wearing a stolen riot police uniform which brings ex-Group A member Paul into the investigation again. While the police search for the thieves it becomes apparent that others were behind the crimes and one of them is keen to clear up any loose ends.

While this series isn't as different as many other Scandinavian crime dramas that have aired in the UK it is still entertaining and I must say this story had me gripped from the start. The item that was stolen, and the search for the other half, was an effective MacGuffin. The fact that it had been hidden since the days of the cold war brought in the feeling of a spy thriller at times as links to former STASI members and a current CIA interest are revealed. This all leads up to a suitably vague conclusion where much was explained but other questions remained unanswered and one antagonist remains uncaught. Away from the case there was a bit more of the team's personal lives than was really necessary but not enough to detract from the story. As in previous episodes the cast does a solid job making the story believable even at times when it is a little far-fetched. Overall a gripping story with some spy-thriller undertones.
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