A truly great movie about a remarkable young woman
5 November 2015
Margarita, with a Straw (2014) is an Indian film written and directed by Shonali Bose and Nilesh Maniyar.

Kalki Koechlin plays Laila, an intelligent young woman who is gifted in many ways. The only thing that could hold her back is her cerebral palsy. This medical problem is not shown to us as a beautiful young woman with a limp. Laila's body is twisted, she must use a wheelchair, and she needs help in many different ways. She's fiercely independent, but her cerebral palsy keeps getting in the way of her life.

Ultimately, Laila moves to NYC, to go to college. She arrives in the middle of winter. Seeing NYC in winter through a foreigner's eyes was a revelation. The city isn't just cold--it's threatening. However, the first New Yorker with whom Laila interacts is a bus driver in one of NYC's kneeling buses. He is friendly and helpful, and that's a revelation too.

Most of the movie takes place in New York City, and Laila adapts well to her new situation. She succeeds academically, she falls in love, and she's happy. I had expected endless psychological and mechanical obstructions. However, Laila's enthusiasm for life keeps these frustrations at bay. The romantic problems are harder to overcome. How Laila copes with them is the major plot theme.

I need to make special mention of Kalki Koechlin as Leila. She is so convincing as a person with cerebral palsy that I had to check her biography to make sure she did not have this condition. It would be interesting to see an actor with cerebral palsy playing a starring role in a movie. However, Kalki Koechlin doesn't have cerebral palsy. It's hard to imagine how Koechlin could convince us that Leila has cerebral palsy. Koechlin's portrayal shows incredible acting skills. My compliments to her on her great performance!

We saw this movie on the large screen as part of ImageOut, the superb Rochester LGBT Film Festival. It will work almost as well on the small screen.
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