Review of Clannad

Clannad (2007–2009)
Simply beautiful.
9 November 2015
When I first heard of Clannad. I really just thought it was another silly, cheesy, and bad romance anime. I thought people were exaggerating how sad it was supposed to be. In all honest, all though the animation is good, the art-style was a big turn off for me. I ended up giving it a try after hearing a bit more about, and I watched season 1, and believe it or not quite liked it, it wasn't perfect, but it was much better than the way I originally imagined it to be. I liked it's humor and characters, even though I thought the main love interest Nagisa, wasn't a very interesting character. The romance was also done in a way that isn't obnoxious (I tend to hate romances because of this). There was also some decently touching and slightly sad moments in the series. I gave Clannad an 8/10. Then I watched Clannad: After Story. I can tell you right away that people aren't exaggerating about it. This second season is so well done you will never forget it. Admittedly, this series as whole isn't for everyone, but if you thought the first series was at least "ok", go and watch After Story right away. I seriously watched Clannad: After Story in less than three days and I'm someone who is extremely pressed for time. Although the first few episodes are lighter in tone like the first season, you soon begin to notice the series progression to becoming a very realistic and mature take on seeing the lead couple become parents. If you've heard anything about this show, then you know that there are some sad and heart wrenching parts, one event in particular which I will not mention to avoid spoiling anything,but it really had me in tears and was very emotional and sad, yet uplifting and powerful at the same time. Another thing I like about this series is that it avoids almost all stereotypes that appear in any type of romantic film or TV series. They seem to have the need to have the main couple stair at each other and say cheesy lines for a long time, or throw in a random sex scene that isn't really necessary. Clannad never does this type of thing, it makes this series so much better as a whole. Also, I now like Nagisa, her character shows a lot more in this season. Overall this is an experience that I wish everyone could see and enjoy, I know some might not be able to get into this, but if you can in any way you just have to watch to the end. Speaking of the end, if anyone tells you it's a cop-out, don't listen, if you actually use your brain for a few minutes the ending works well and is satisfying.This show actually taught me things. It made me laugh, it made me cry, and it opened my eyes. Without a doubt a 10/10.
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