High Ratings Are All Lies
12 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I understand what the director was trying to accomplish but this movie just did not come together - there was no sum of its parts.

The movie premises was good if not a little similar to The Thing. However the acting was terrible......the actors filled one dimensional boxes of characters they portrayed and I found that the lead actress was this stone faced block. Others looked like they were being told what to do behind the camera. It just did not seem natural.

The monster...........instead of being aggressive and sneaky it just likes to hide in dark spaces and that's what it does for the most part of the film - the design of he monster was well did not really make sense. Part human, part fish part plant....it was like some bad 80's B movie.

Lastly this movie has no suspense - the main ingredient needed for good horror movies. Its obvious what the monster is, where the monster is. Ultimately at the end I really felt I had watched a bad 80's horror B movie.
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