Are they Flapjacks or Pancakes...Make your mind up now.
12 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Can someone tell me what i've just sat through? This has to be one of the main contenders for worst Film in living memory. I thought for a moment this was Horror Comedy but the "jokes" weren't funny and the Horror was nonexistent, so what genre does this fit into then? Is there a genre simply called "Bad Films"? There were plenty of Boobs on offer and not just from the female Cast members but from Script to Camera work to general acting to Continuity. The Kills were shockingly bad, a few of the Female Characters who dared to bare were obviously Blind as they failed to notice guys standing directly infront of them ogling them and perhaps the worst crime of the Film we had the Film Industry equivalent of Graham Poll issuing 3 yellow cards to Josip Simunic before sending him off, yes, we saw a Character being killed not Once but Twice!! A Ranger who inexplicably showed up on foot and seeing a pile of Pancakes randomly in the middle of the road on a cart got mashed by Mr Easterday, generously covering said Pancakes in a healthy dose of the Red stuff only to then show up equally as randomly later in the Film at Easterday's secluded Woodland Shack for his second bloody death of this unbelievably poor piece of "art" immortalized in Celluloid. My eyes are burning after watching this and my head genuinely hurts. I can't believe they managed to wring over 90 minutes out of this, in fact 60 minutes would've been 60 minutes too much.
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