Will offend every clean minded person
14 November 2015
The only explanation for producing "At the Mercy of Men," a five-part Select Picture written by Paul West, was to give Alice Brady an opportunity to repeat the artistic success she made in "The Knife." The photoplay fails of its purpose. It is crudely put together, and its subject matter is of such a nature that it will offend every clean minded person. There are a number of elaborate mob scenes and the atmosphere of the different grades of Russian society is effectively reproduced. Alice Brady works conscientiously and puts real feeling into the part of Vera, but the inartistic manner in which the disagreeable situations are emphasized defeats her efforts. The quiet intensity of the Walter play was created by a master playwright. The only possible excuse for such a play is the skill shown in its making. Art ceases to be art when it strikes below the belt. The picture was directed by Charles Miller and photographed by Hal Young. - The Moving Picture World, May 4, 1918
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