Food Matters (2008)
Amazing and necessary documentary
16 November 2015
This film could save your life or that of a loved one and is a definite must watch.

It aligns with my experiences in eating. That is the more quality fresh food that you eat and this next bit is my own take "by eating less or smaller portions" the better you will feel. Life extensionists will attest to the eating less formula.

The broad picture is nothing any of us don't already know essentially that eating healthy will make you healthy. You are what you eat! The film explores high dosages of nutrients in combating cancer and that this methodology has proved successful. Watch the film to catch reference to studies.

After watching this ANYONE who has loved one(s) who are sick and dying of cancer will be searching furiously for the studies that show nutrition supplementation AND a wholesale change in lifestyle and diet might just be what can save their life.

How the medical industry calculates "cancer survivors" which is another scam pushed on to the public is also covered, as is the excellent discussion on the disease industry which is more about needing sick people to care and prescribe drugs to rather than preventing illness.
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