18 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Wonderful acting by a superb cast, especially Robert Wagner, in a real breakout performance, as a Marine who comes home on leave to face a demeaning stepfather, abusive to both him, his younger brother and sister and his mother. He never lets her forget what her first husband was like while he totally demeans his eldest stepson.

Jeffrey Hunter was also quite good as a guy coming home to wed his got in trouble girlfriend, Hope Lange, in one of her best performances as well to almost rival "Peyton Place." She begs him not to return to conflict in the same manner as Donna Reid pleaded with Montgomery Clift in "From Here to Eternity."

Bradford Dillman is the third marine, from a wealthy family, whose father wanted to use his connections to get Dillman out of combat. Dillman must also contend with his fiancé, a very troubled, heavy drinking Dana Wynter, in also one of her finest performances. France Nuyen is the girl he ultimately falls for after a chance meeting in a hotel.

The picture is ripe with prejudice, anti-war sentiment and all sorts of social ills brought out very well by this ensemble cast.
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