Epicly awful....
23 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
In a short sentence - don't bother.

I viewed this online, and as soon as the credits starting rolling, where it shows that the film was made by a religious film-making organisation, about a man of faith's accident and recovery, and as soon as you hear the religious prayer music on the car radio inside the first minute or so of the film, you just know that this is going to be some Christian-based propaganda in film format.

Don't get me wrong, I AM a Christian, but this film is awful nonsense.

In a nutshell, a deeply religious man suffers a serious car accident, recovers and is pretty damn miserable during all of the recovery. Most of the film is based in the hospital recovery rooms and is mostly conversation based.

The acting is dull and unengaging. I only bothered to watch it at all because of the two leading cast members - I wished I hadn't been sucked in by this.

Apparently the budget was £5m for this? Where did this go? Apparently the Director is Bosworth's husband - did she milk the production fees with the approval of her husband? Is Hayden really proper "box office" enough to swipe most of the production costs in fees? You look at this film, and it really does feel like very average TV movie. In fact, I've seen much better TV movies.

There are a couple of actors that you've seen before in other films like Fred Dalton Thompson and Gregory Allan Williams - but it's not nearly enough to even come close to save this old tat.

Forget it - it's a yawner, and not a good yawner at that. Why, oh why, oh why can't victims of serious accidents and incidents give themselves (and the medical staff that treat them) some credit for having the inner will to live through terrible events and survive?
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