Futurama: Bendless Love (2001)
Season 3, Episode 6
The One With Bender's Love...
24 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this episode. It was quite entertaining. It wasn't hilarious, outstanding, or amazing, but it was still really fun to watch, and I definitely recommend it. I love that we finally see Bender showing some real emotion, to someone that isn't a fembot prostitute, or a diamond that he's trying to steal.

In this episode, Bender starts bending things in his sleep, even the Professor, so he "curb the cravings" he goes back to his old job at the bending factory. Whilst there, he falls in love with a fembot called Angleyne. But the problem is, she's the ex-wife of Bender's somewhat evil twin Flexo. And guess where Flexo works. Yes, that's right. If you were thinking the bending factory, you were right. If you thought somewhere else, you were wrong.

Title card: Torn from tomorrow's headlines.

Overall, I give this episode an 8 out of 10, which in my ratings book is: Awesome.
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