Review of 180

180 (2011 Video)
Entertaining and eye-opening: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
24 November 2015
This little video was entertaining, well-constructed and smoothly presented. It starts off slowly as a man-on-the-street type interview and gradually leads people through a series of their own conclusions to arrive at the ultimate realization of what abortion actually is, and what its availability means to our society as a whole. The interviewer interacts with all manner of individuals found strolling though what looks like Venice Beach or Santa Monica, in California. Some have extreme viewpoints, some are noncommittal. By the end of the movie all have made definite pronouncements about this issue. The film is eye-opening and fascinating in its approach. I showed it to my preteen children and they were quite engrossed the whole time. Two years later, they will still make an offhand comment or two about something they heard in this movie. This movie is genius because it makes no statements itself but helps you to make your own statements and draw your own conclusions. If anyone doesn't like the message presented in this movie, it's probably because they don't like the conclusions they themselves have come to while watching the interviews. I highly highly recommend this movie to anyone who has kids coming to terms with these social issues in our world.
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