Review of June

June (I) (2015)
Not Even Remotely Science Fiction
25 November 2015
2.9 of 10. Whoever at IMDb is responsible for classifying this as science fiction should be fired and permanently banned from the site. This is little more than the typical satanic cult, possessed child horror film, neither of which are scary and have not been remotely scary or horror-like for decades. Just variations on the same stupid crap so that it's not even original.

The basic FX and filming manages to make the stereotypical eyes going black/red seem realistic enough. Part of the story involving the orphaned child having difficulty finding stable adopted parents and family is interesting and keeps it from being completely valueless, but there's no science or extrapolated future going on here other than the cult planning for the end-times and the child being the demon possessed bringer of them telling she/it doesn't like what will happen.

The film doesn't do much other than maybe provide scares and drama for very, very simple minds and serve to setup a sequel/series, which hopefully never happens.
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