Kumari 21F (2015)
a refreshing tale in tollywood
27 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Well, a smart writing with smarter directing and exceptional acting by the upcoming actors.. The film sends out a message about the modern society's taboo, and a wake up call for everyone.. Take home point aside, is well scripted.. the director and writer wants the audience to perceive the heroines role in a week knitted disguise and they succeed. it's a no brainer climax but keeps us on the edge until then. Apart from the story line, music numbers are decent and catchy.. you start getting the 3 villains from your guts showing that they have acted impressively.. the hero will go a long way.. heroine had done well, with scope for improvement.. but the hero of the story is her character around which the story revolves.. was reluctant to go after watching the trailer and wall paper, but my friend for once made a good decision.. there are few short comings where in you feel few parts of the movie are not gripping enough, but all in all, hang over of the movie remained for whole 1 day.. everything's laid for your thought.. it's up to you what to comprehend and what not to... phew.. c ya
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