Spies Like Us (1985)
great duo in ridiculous comedy
27 November 2015
Ruby and Keyes have a covert operation to hijack a Soviet nuclear missile launcher. General Sline suggests sending two decoy agents along with the real agents on the mission. Emmett Fitzhume (Chevy Chase) is a womanizing schemer taking the foreign service board exam. Brilliant code-breaker Austin Millbarge (Dan Aykroyd) is working in the basement under a sleazy boss who doesn't tell him about the exam until the last minute. Millbarge joins Fitzhume in his rampant cheating. They are caught and to their surprise, they are brought into the advance program. They are generally incompetent in training and sent to Afganistan. They are picked up by two agents who turn out to be Soviets. They escape and find Dr. Hadley who mistakes them for fellow doctors. Dr. Boyer (Donna Dixon) is part of the medical team working with the Afghan resistance.

It is completely stupid as a story. When Bob Hope walks into the tent in the middle of Afghanistan looking for his golf ball, the silly tone is irreversible. This relies on the strengths of Chase and Aykroyd. Chevy Chase acts like an ass and makes this funny. Aykroyd is a great neurotic sidekick without being annoying. They combine for a fun duo.
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