Girl Meets World: Girl Meets Belief (2015)
Season 2, Episode 24
Refreshing To See A Show Address Beliefs
28 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of negative reviews on this episode because people think it's wrong to address the question of a higher power. It's a break from the forced liberal view of most shows on television, which gets really old. The bad reviews from this episode is a hypocritical way of thinking because in the liberal media it's "you better believe in this" and if you believe in God you better not say anything about it because it doesn't match our liberal beliefs. This episode showed that it's okay to have faith and to believe in God, because after all religious freedom, freedom of speech, and freedom of expression are some of the great benefits of being an American. As a devout Christian I can't tell you how much I enjoyed the bravery of this episode, it challenged the idea of believing in a higher power vs. not believing, but at the same time it didn't force religion on you, it merely presented you with the idea that there's things in this world that science simply can't always explain. So I don't see why the reviewers get so fired up just because this episode talked about God and faith.
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