M*A*S*H: The Longjohn Flap (1973)
Season 1, Episode 19
Among the funniest MASH episodes
29 November 2015
In the biting cold of Korea, Pierce receives Long Johns from home. Due to a lack of warm clothing in the unit, this soon becomes a much treasured and coveted item. He loses it to kindness, radar wins it in poker, it then moves on to the camp chef in exchange for a lamb chop and so on, resulting in hilarious twists and turns on its route, pun intended.

This is one of the first episodes that showcases what would become recurring themes in MASH - of the biting cold in Korea, the ineptitude of Army supplies (they send the MASH 4077 a full stock of summer shorts in winter, which Henry sends his "heartfelt appreciation for, but..." and the evergreen character of Klinger (Jamie Farr).
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