Jessica Jones (2015–2019)
Fell short of the mark severely.
30 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Setting out, I really tried to enjoy Jessica Jones, and the series looked promising. I enjoy most of the actors involved work. I see things blasting the acting and the pace. The real problem with Jessica Jones is the writing. From the mind of Melissa Rosenberg, who brought us such cinematic gems as The Twilight Series, and Birds of Prey, Red Widow, all of whom were female character focused and was canceled in the first season. The overall writing and pace is just crap. I honestly think all the actors involved did great with the materials they were provided. Rosenberg, seems to take the series in the direction that highlights Jessica's victimization. However, it not only highlights it, it beats you over the head like a hammer. It really doesn't hit home with most male audience members. Anyone who can stop moving cars and jump real high with superpowers shouldn't spend each and every episode lamenting about their pain like an Emo teenager. Especially a woman in her late 20's or early 30's. This is entirely where the series lost me.In the end, the character makes emotional decisions and consequences be as they may. Some may say that's the appeal of Jessica Jones, but the two don't seem any way plausible to me (as much as a super hero series can be). Daredevil was great. However, this is the no-name superhero that Jessica sets out be. Bland and nameless.
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