Worth the watch
2 December 2015
I am a big fan of slasher movies. I grew up on the 80s slashers. Besides seeing the trailer, I wasn't positive what I would expect from Chill: The Killing Games. I was really surprised at how well this movie was. There are a few down points to the movie, that I will get to in a bit. I'm first going to start off with the positives.

Positives: Acting - Three actors stood out to me. Roger Conners (Kyle), Brad Arner (Jared), and Angelia DeLuca (Maddison). All three of them were literally perfect for these roles. Brad played the douche-bag to perfection. I loved the interaction between Roger and Angelia. They showed real chemistry between them. I'm not taking anything away from any of the other actors. I enjoyed everyone's performances. Kelly Rogers (Raven), David Gilmore (Donnie), and Erinn Bakun (Kelly) were fantastic as well. I wish there was more scenes with Donnie and Kelly as well. Really great job to everyone involved. Another great point for the acting. Each character was different. You didn't have similar characters in the movie. So it is very easy to get behind a character and root for them to survive at the end.

Story - 100% original. This is what you want with a horror movie, especially a slasher movie. Yes it does play the "who done it" role, which is typical now a days. But the story keeps you focused throughout and you never lose your interest. The dialogue had some corny lines here and there. But there was some GREAT lines from Kyle, Roger, and Maddison throughout the entire movie. You also don't see the ending coming at all. That was a great surprise.

Special Effects - I'm not quite sure on the budget of the movie. Regardless what it was. The special effects were on point and not cheaply done. It is very easy to tell, that a lot of thought and effort was put into those scenes. Beautifully done.

Negatives -

Beginning of the movie - The first act of the movie is really slow. This isn't a bad negative. But I can see how some people could get turned off by the movie. A good majority of the first act, is only dialogue and builds the story up. The movie doesn't get going, until the game is about to be played. Then the pacing throughout moves really fast and you don't lose your focus.

Audio - It is very easy to tell there was some audio issues, especially during the indoor scenes. The audio isn't horrible, by any means. But you can tell there was some problems throughout. There was some times during the climax moments, that you couldn't understand the dialogue from the actors.

Even with those two negatives, Chill: The Killing Games is a well put together independent horror movie. I would really recommend this movie to any fan of the genre. You really do get everything you want in a horror movie. Great story, great actors, and fantastic gore.
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