Review of Deli Man

Deli Man (2014)
Warning: Do Not Watch on an Empty Stomach
4 December 2015
This movie places the food centre-stage. And it's the most incredible food you've ever seen. Even raw, being turned into delectable dishes, it's to die for.

I watched this over two nights, while eating dinner. And it still almost killed me. And I'm a great cook.

If you can possibly swing it, watch this on some mobile device while eating way too much food in a Jewish delicatessen somewhere. As the film itself points out, that's hard to do, since in all of North America there's only 150 left. But otherwise, you're going to be really hungry for several days.

One small complaint: they left out Montréal. C'mon, guys! The smoked meat sandwich that's MTL's world-famous signature dish was a gift to that city from Jewish delis! They're the reason the French language now contains the word « le smoked meat ».

Great. Now I'm jonesing for _that_.

Anyway, see the movie. If I could eat it too, I would.
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