No. Just no.
5 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I seriously hope people are joking when they say that this movie is the best thing man has ever created. Really? This is just awful. Really, really awful. The titular character is incredibly annoying, and the lessons he gives are not beneficial in the slightest. Unsolicited texts should NOT be opened, and even though Cool Cat CLAIMS that you should always look before crossing the road, thirty seconds later he immediately charges across the road without looking at all. I must admit, the only passable lesson is that children shouldn't touch a gun if they find it. However, this message is later blotched by Daddy Derek seeing the bully with a gun outside the school and decides to go to the school, the most dangerous place they could be at that very moment. Also, the editing is awful. It doesn't look professional in the slightest. The camera is often shaky, and there are times where you can hear the tap of the microphone and even the cameraman's heavy breathing. The painfully obvious times where Cool Cat forgets his lines, they are completely forgotten and makes it look very amateurish. The acting is not very well done. Most of the characters are passable,despite bad performances and some unintelligible dialogue. But the two worst are definitely Cool Cat himself and Butch the Bully. As mentioned before, Cool Cat is extremely annoying with an awful singing and speaking voice and Butch the Bully is completely unrealistic in every aspect. With a body and hairstyle like that and a lisp, I'm surprised he's not the one being portrayed as the victim here, as that was pretty much the characteristics of most of the bullying victims of the cheesy, clichéd 80 and 90's PSA's. As far as I know bullies don't watch the protagonist, rubbing their hands maniacally while they scheme and give evil laughs. Oh wait...Butch the Bully is pretty much one of those 60's Batman villains. The movie also likes to take breaks at random points, like a large segment just to gloat about how they're in the Hollywood parade, and to talk about famous cars, an incredibly tedious part of this. In conclusion, this movie is absolute rubbish. You'd get more entertainment and life lessons staring at your cat's litter box. This movie is not "brilliant", it's tedious, annoying and overall, a massive waste of time.
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