Fine-looking but dull Italian giallo/horror hybrid
5 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
THE BLOODSUCKER LEADS THE DANCE is a late entry in the Italian giallo cycle, although this has just as much in common as the Gothic horrors that flooded Europe in the '60s and '70s. Things get off to a good start as a bunch of disparate types are invited to a remote castle on an island just off Ireland (although the locations are unquestionably Italian throughout) and you think you're going to be in for a good "old dark house"-cum-"slasher" film as they're bumped off one by one.

True, this is exactly what happens... but not until we've suffered an HOUR of plot-less, no-story drivel. An hour of talky, poorly-dubbed inaction, as the various characters walk around and generally have sex together in a series of poorly-staged encounters, ranging from a couple of lesbians together in their bed (hilariously, the maid sees them and tries to emulate them later on) to a female aristocrat who has it away with the rough fisherman to a woman who sleeps with the count because she reminds him of his missing wife! Basically all this sex is just an excuse to show the female characters in the nude as often as possible but the result is boring rather than titillating.

Finally, things pick up in the last half an hour with a series of gruesome decapitations – well, I say gruesome, but there's only one or two gory scenes in the film (and the first 'head' we see is clearly a woman buried up to her neck in the ground). The film strives to include a murder-mystery type plot and indeed the cast is fleshed out with red herrings, from the half-man hated by the women, to the religious fanatic butler, and the sleazy 'peeper' of a gardener. However, the mystery is solved in the most routine way imaginable, without a second's excitement; indeed this film doesn't have a moment's action in it at all; I was hoping for a few chases or fights, but there's nothing. To make matters worse, the murderer, when revealed, then goes into a fifteen-minute explanation of their crimes...this is just as boring as it sounds.

The film's cast is rather unengaging. The actresses seem to have been picked for their willingness to take off their clothes rather than any real acting ability and Giacomo Rossi-Stuart, a regular in Italian cinema, must give the most wooden performance of his entire career. In fact the only one who comes away with any credibility is Luciano Pigozzi, aka the Italian Peter Lorre, who has a ball as the aforementioned sleazy gardener. Sadly he's on screen far too little, although the moment where he's caught spying on the lesbians is the stuff of high comedy.

The one thing this film has going for it is its look. The castle surroundings are beautiful and sometimes spectacular and the costumes are all spot on. An atmosphere is built up from the setting alone without the director having to make any effort. The one thing I could have done without was the stock footage of crashing waves which is repeated throughout the film; astonishingly, this piece of footage is shot in black and white, while the rest of the film is, of course, in colour. The effect is bizarre, to say the least. Italian actor Alfredo Rizzo made half a dozen films as a director in the '70s, but he really should have stuck to being in front of the camera, as this film is a real yawner.
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